Sony’s Tim Schaaff Thought The PSN Hack Was A “Great Experience”. Oh Bro.

The PSN hack was a kidney punch combo’d into a nuts stomp, and gave Sony something of a drooping around the world. We all stared. Some aghast. Some amused. Some both. It had to totally suck for everyone involved over at Sony, right? Naw, bro!  Sony’s network entertainment president  Tim Schaaff was having the time of his life.


“Great experience, really good time,” he declared, with no indication given that he was being sarcastic. “Though I wouldn’t like to do it again.”

Schaaf is glad that it happened, since he believes that getting hacked and growing from the experience is more worthwhile than preventing the hack in the first place. Those who had to worry about potential credit card fraud might disagree with that statement.

“A determined hacker will get you, the question is how you build your life so you’re able to cope with those things,” he stated.

I can understand that he’d want to spin it as something positive. I can even buy the learning experience drivel that he spit out of apparently optimistic lips. Just don’t call it a great experience or a good time. It cost companies you work with millions, and took your gamers offline for an inordinate amount of time.