Monday Morning Commute: Cynical Ejaculation Over Sam Rockwell

Now Double Your Money

I have nothing to say. I am awaiting the great deluge. The next couple of weeks see me starting graduate school, trying to pretend I have time for Mass Effect 2, while also spending time I don’t have playing Mass Effect 2. The grind of writing a daily thing about LOST is beginning to wear on me. If you’re ever considering writing about something everyday, for a month this is my suggestion: don’t. It isn’t like I hate it, but waking up knowing I have to rip something out of my ass that isn’t my finger is daunting.

Monday Morning Commute. Every Monday I’m going to detail the various things I’m either currently or will be watching, reading, playing, and listening to in the next seven days. It’s Monday. You’ve got a long week of school, work, or compulsive masturbation to get through. Tell me the arts that you’re indulging in, to stave off suicide

The the Moon and Back

Watching / Moon

I had the distinct pleasure of watching Moon for the first time over the weekend. And for the second time. And I really, really enjoyed it. First, it pays homage to both Blade Runner and 2001, which are two movies I wank off to with a ferocity. It isn’t as good as either of them, but that has to be an unfair comparison. The entire movie hinges on Sam Rockwell’s ability to act really god damn well. I tried to figure out why I loved the movie so much, and I kept coming back to Rockwell’s performance. Without spoiling much, he is the centerpiece of the entire affair, and makes you care about a character you know almost nothing about. There doesn’t seem to be one central theme, though ideas of what defines a consciousness, corporate exploitation (I know, yawn), and the manipulation of technology in human affairs all rear their head.

Also, Clint Mansell’s score, is as usual, absolutely beautiful.

Oh Lightning

Playing / Final Fantasy XIII [ Japanese Demo]

Finally played the Japanese version of the Final Fantasy XIII demo. And? Yeah, I have no idea. It was utterly incomprehensible. From the battle system, which is awesome, and flashy, and uh, not to be introduced to in the middle of the game and in Japanese. To the plot, which I assume is non-existent in a demo, and even more so in Japanese.

The whole thing was a gorgeous, unintelligible experience. The visuals are intense, and the gameplay seems very fun. I’m a sucker for flair and for absurd sheen, and both the battle system and the visuals roar “Cool stylee, SON.”

If a demo’s purpose is to jack you up for the game, mission accomplished.


Listening / Cynic, Traced In Air

I’m continuing on with my friend Bri’s recommendations. I am currently subscribed to the Brian Galiano Listening Gallery, and he has been pushing recommendations on to me. Cynic is a band that he has raved about around me for the better part of a year, and while he masturbates to their cover art, Pepsibones gave them a “Eh”, and my friend Dave gave them a “Shitburger Deluxe, Side of Ass.”

For better or worse, as a curious lad in all walks of life, from sexuality to music, I felt I had to give them a listen. If for nothing else, they’re playing with Between The Buried & Me and Devin Townsend next week, and that show is going to be uberrific.

My take on them? “Yeah, I uh guess.” I’ve spun the aforementioned CD a few times, and it sounds like the melodic parts of Opeth met some of Neal Morse’s junk and stuff. Don’t hate it, but could definitely live without it.

What are you ass-fondlers up to?