Japan gets ridiculously awesome ‘STAR WARS’ New Era caps. We can only swoon.

Jesus Christ, these things make me hard. I found these Star Wars New Era 59Fifty caps over at the always fantastical /Film. They are ridiculously over the top and beautiful, in a geeky, obnoxious way.

I don’t know if they’re coming out here, and it’s probably for the best if they don’t. They’re not something I could wear, since I can barely pull off wearing…well, anything. But I know if they were released, I’d buy one, wear it for a day, feel like a total asshole, and then stuff it in my closet. I can stare and lust though. Stare. And lust. Bop over to /Film for the full scoop, and more pictures of awesome hats you’d probably look lame in.