[OCTOBERFEAST is the greatest celebration of the year, a revelry dedicated to pop-culture’s most nutritious Halloween detritus. Plastic screams and artificial sweeteners have never been more bountiful. In the old country, villagers refer to the extended party as Satan’s Snacktime]

It was during the 1984 OCTOBERFEAST that an elderly Chinese bro stumbled into the fairgrounds and changed the celebration forever. Inside the basket this Chinese sage carried with him was a creature called a Mogwai, which was bequeathed unto the OCTOBERFEAST itself. All that the man requested was that three simple rules be followed:

– Never expose it to bright light.
– Never get it wet.
– Never feed it after midnight.

Of course, the revelers were too hammered to understand the dude’s thick Sino-accent, and so the poor Mogwai ended up succumbing to light, water, and midnight snacks. Gremlins ran amok, and much fun was had!

It seemed as though it’d be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence, and we were confident that we’d never have to worry about Gremlin-invasions again.

Boy, were we wrong.

In1990, the OCTOBERFEAST was once again overrun by Gremlins! Only this time, the creatures were of an entirely new batch, capable of far more charming parodies and subtler urban-warfare tactics. This event, hilarious and terrifying as it was, is now referred to as Gremlins 2 by the history books.

Gremlins 2 is not unlike Home Alone 2 in that it takes the exact premise of an original film and restages it in New York City. Of course,   the two differ in the fact that Gremlins 2 isn’t some hokey, completely preposterous comedic romp. No, this film is a hard look at what would happen if Gremlins actually infiltrated a New York City skyscraper.

As one might expect, the Gremlins take over virtually every corner of the high-rise, including the experimental research laboratory, the television studio, and even the movie theater. Consequently, the Gremlins have quite a day – mutating into strange new beasts, breaking the fourth wall, and singing Sinatra classics.

Cute creatures, honest horror, and laughs-a-plenty.

What’s not to love about Gremlins 2?