Bryan Singer spits about ‘X-MEN: APOCALYPSE’, says its about mutie origins.

Douche Patrol.

Bryan Singer hasn’t finished shitting out X-Men: Every Cameo Ever Except for Rogue – Time Travelling!, but that isn’t stopping him from talking about the next flick. Which he isn’t even officially directing yet but let us be honest we won’t be spared. So what exactly is X-Men: Apocalypse going to be about?

Hit the jump and you shall receive.

While we’re generally not a fan of every studio and franchise now copying the Marvel world-building approach, where each movie is just an interlocked stepping stone to the next, the opportunity is there to take stories into interesting directions. And it looks like Bryan Singer wants to do just that with “X-Men: Apocalypse,” which the “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” director is already developing for a 2016 release.

Stopping for a brief chat with EW, Singer teased the themes that ‘Apocalypse’ will dive into. “It will also address historical mutant-cy, meaning the deep past, mutant origins and things like that,” he explained. “It’s something that’s always intrigued me when we think about our Gods and our history and miracles and powers.” Hmm…it almost sounds “Prometheus”-y but hopefully not that obtuse, or as clunky as “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” (which the franchise seems content to forget ever existed).

So, we’ll see what shape that sequel takes with more details to come as ‘Future Past’ ramps up. But just a quick note: Singer isn’t technically attached to direct just yet, though he does confirm he wants to do it and is in negotiations to work out the details.

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