
Well, looks like Fox is thinking big. Going for their own blow out universal jamboree. What does that mean? It means every thing. Wait — huh? Man, I’m over-caffeinated. Yeahsoanyways like the story is that before X-Men: Wolverine Fetish Gear Time Travelling Bullshit drops, Fox has announced its sequel.

After next year’s “X-Men: Days Of Future Past” which is going to be a super size smorgasboard of every character Fox seemingly has the rights too, stuffed like a Blondie sandwich into the movie, what we of course need is announcement of even more, right?

Well, here it is: “X-Men: Apocalypse” will hit theaters on May 27, 2016 thus kicking off over two years of rumors, speculation and more even more ‘DOFP’ has even hit theaters. Hooray? No word on who will direct, but with Bryan Singer getting in on the announcement action it’s probably safe to say he’ll be at least producing if not more. Where could this saga go next? Maybe in the next one, Fox will exercise the rights to every villain in their arsenal instead! But after the glut of 2015, will we even have an appetite for this in 2016?

[Play List]

Thoughts? Psyched? Hesitant? Inexplicably annoyed like me?