Order PIZZA HUT from your XBOX 360. ‘MURICA POWER.


Too tired to stand up and order a pizza? Or is your tablet too far away to order online? Now you can rock some heavy metal American thunder. Order that pizza pie straight from you Xbox 360. Who says you have to move? Not Freedom.


Xbox 360 owners now have the option to download the Pizza Hut app for their console and place an order directly from the comfort of their couch, cozy recliner or beanbag chair. As Polygon reports, there’s no need to search for a phone anymore, as the chain’s full menu (pizza, pasta, breadsticks, agita) is available from the app. Shame or pride after ordering can be shared across Facebook.

“We’re always looking at ways to give our audience more of what they’re interested in,” Xbox’s Larry Hryb told Polygon. “If you look at our audience, they love pizza. I mean, who doesn’t? It has international appeal, and Pizza Hut is a recognized brand that matches up well with the Xbox brand.”

Don’t go thinking Microsoft is some pioneer in this space. In 2005, World of Warcraft let you order chinese food from Pandaren Xpress… no, wait, that was a joke. However, EverQuest 2players could order a pie by simply typing /pizza.