Mutual Understanding: Stay Tuned For a Special Report

stay tuned

There’s troubling news ahead.  Quick, hit the jump to find out what it is.

Mutual Understand is officially cancelled.

That’s right folks, I’m pulling the plug.  This is happening for a few reasons.  So if you’re interested, I’ll detail those out.  If you don’t care, skip to the end.

  • Direction

I had an idea of what I wanted to do with Mutual Understanding, but I think its desired effect and its actual effect were two different things.  When I first conceived MU, I just wanted to yell about stuff I hated or disliked.  Seeing as 90% of the stuff that isn’t porn on the internet is that, I wanted to shift the idea around.  I wanted to try to understand the things I disliked.  Well that intention failed and it came off like me yelling like a blowhard.  It’s not that I have problem writing about things I hate.  It’s just that there seems to be little purpose in it.  I really should have put up a disclaimer.

  • Material

I looked over my notes that I had jotted down before starting MU.  They were painfully thin.  Before I published even one High 5 I had written out and detailed over 40 Top 5 ideas.  A lot of them never made it to print, but it was still a large amount of material to work with.  As I mentioned in the previous section, I had changed directions with the article.  My notes did not reflect that.  So I had a long list of topics on subject that I had no interest in changing my mind about.

  • Motivation

I write for fun.  Writing for OL is one of the things I look forward to doing each week.  Interacting in the comment section is a blast.  With that in mind, I was not having fun writing these articles.  It’s not that being called all sorts of horrible names bothers me.  I actually kind of love it.  Same goes for the “discussions” in the comments.  It’s the phoniness of presenting myself as being open to liking something when I know there is no chance of it happening.

So for the next few weeks my typical Wednesday slot will be vacant.  Maybe I’ll post reruns of classic TV shows or something.  I do have a few ideas bouncing around in the ol’ noggin for a new column, so it shouldn’t be too long before I have you people at mine and each other throats again.  Until then, stay tuned.