Dude Spends $16,000 On Virtual Sword *Before* Game Is Released.

Some dude in China up and spent $16,000. For a virtual sword. It gets even more bananas frappe! It’s on virtual sword for a game that isn’t even released yet.


This man is holding an image of a sword that doesn’t exist in real life. In fact, it doesn’t even really exist on a virtual world–he paid $16,000 for a game sword that he can’t play yet.

He got the virtual sword at an auction to celebrate the launch of a highly anticipated game called  Age of Wulin. Set in ancient China, the players would be able to ramble through a beautifully detailed world crouching the tiger and hiding the dragon. Other items sold include a sheath for Hook of Departure–sold for $1,600–and a Lordly Spear Sheath–sold for $2,500

Fuck man! Got money to burn? Swag on up for some advertising over here at OL? Just a picture of you with the phrase “E-Peen Is Huge!”  Boom.