Monday Morning Commute: MAMMOTH DISEASE.

Take a breath. You’re safe. I promise.

I know that you were probably scared out of your wits today. It’s okay. I was too. Hell, who wouldn’t be terrified at the prospect of having to spend every single Monday from now until retirement/death/tiger-mutilation lamentin’ existence. Oh, you didn’t think that I heard you? I did. In a way, actually found your exasperated sighs lyrical.

“Motherfucking rat race life! How’m I supposed to keep doin’ this without going postal? Arggh!”

Take another breath. I’ve got the solution. You’ve come to the right place.

This here’s the MONDAY MORNING COMMUTE, OL’s workweek refugee camp. What we do is showcase the various bits of entertainment and pop-culture detritus that we’ll snack on throughout the week, consuming just enough Nerd Calories to get us to the weekend. I’ll go first, then you’ll hit up the comments section and show off your recipe for ennui-repellent.

Who wants to dance?


Finishin’/Louie (Season One)

I finally started watching Louie (a blood sacrifice is on its way, Lord Netflix!), and it’s even better than I thought it’d be. Louis CK was already a goddamn titan in my eyes, but he’s officially upped the ante with this show by injecting a heavy dose of surrealism and defying traditional sitcom structure in favor of vignettes. Eleven episodes in, I’ve laughed until my gut ached, empathized with a sullen middle-aged man, and been inspired to be more creative.

Fantastic damn show.


Celebratin’/Surviving a Trip to the Dentist!

I survived a trip to the dentist’s office today. The dental hygienist was sociable as hell, and my new dentist is a youthful gent with a charming German accent, so I can’t blame them for the terror I experienced. The fact of the matter is that I get anxious just thinking about a cleaning, with the scraping and suctioning and polishing and spitting out of blood, plaque, food from last Thanksgiving, and mucus. Call me crazy, but I don’t find the experience to be a comfortable one.

Which is great, `cause next week I get to go back and have some cavities filled.

It might be time to stop hittin’ the Pepsi so hard.


Jammin’ To/Baby (David Cannava Cover)

Why am I addicted to David Cannava’s cover of Bieber’s Baby? Is it because the percussionist in me appreciates well-executed, tasteful drumbeats tossed over pop songs? Do I find myself drawn to the videography? Or could it be that I actually have a weird sense of admiration for Justin Bieber?

In a word – yes.


So that’s what my week’s lookin’ like.

How about yours?