Arrested Development Is Getting Another Season of TV. And A Movie. God Loves Us.

I didn’t believe that we were ever going to get an Arrested Development movie. For some reason the Good Lords have decided to smile on us, blessing us not only with a movie but with another fucking season of television? Can it be?

Washington Post:

The New York Times  reports  that Hurtwitz – who was joined by all the members of the cast at an “Arrested Development” reunion, held Sunday during the New Yorker Festival – plans to make nine or 10 new episodes. Those episodes will be shot next summer, to be followed by production of the film. The studio backing the project has not yet been identified, nor is it clear which network will broadcast those episodes, which will serve as a prelude to story told in the movie. Release dates for the episodes and the motion picture also have not been specified.

For fans of the show about a flawed, wealthy family, its devoted son and a son-in-law who suffers from acute never-nudism, this announcement stands as the most definitive, publicly shared plan for an “Arrested Development” return since the series went off the air in 2006. All that endlessly vague discussion about plans for a movie, which has stretched on for years, now sounds much more certain, as further confirmed by subsequent tweets issued today by “Development” stars Will Arnett and  Jason Bateman.

“I’m peeing with @batemanjason at the moment … and we can confirm that we are going to make new AD eps and a movie,”  Arnettt tweeted.

Bateman  chimed in: “It’s true. We will do 10 episodes and the movie. Probably shoot them all together next summer for a release in early ‘13. VERY excited!”

Fuck yeah.