Friars Pray for Bible Thief to Get Diarrhea. Seriously.

Friars in Italy don’t fuck around. Cross them, and they’re going to dedicate some serious time to bringing about a case of swamp-ass on you. Or at least try. Recently a bible thief snagged a rare bible and its replacement from the church San Salvator al Monte in Florence, Italy. The friaers were so cheesed they asked the lord to rain Mud from the Cheeks of this sinner.

Boing Boing:

From The Guardian:

In a note, pinned up in full view of worshippers, the friars say they hope the thief sees the error of his ways. But in case he does not, they add: “We pray to God that the thief is struck by a strong bout of the shits.”

Ain’t no fooling around with these friars. One minute you’re pawning off a rare bible, the next minute your ass is a fondue rocket.