Kid Bites Woman, Claims He’s 500 Year-Old Vampire. Gotta Feed, Man!

Lyle Monroe Bensley broke into a lady’s apartment and bit her neck. Bensley claimed that he was a vampire, and if that’s case can’t we float the kid the pass? The blood thirst!, I mean it totally clouds what is certainly an otherwise rational lad.

Boing Boing:

Bensley, covered with tattoos and wearing only boxer shorts, forced his way into the apartment on Seawall Boulevard and made his way into the bedroom of a woman whose name has not been released, Heyse said.

Bensley made growling and hissing noises while biting and hitting the woman in her bed, Heyse said. Bensley then dragged her out of the apartment and she broke free…

“I’m a vampire, and I’ve been alive for over 500 years,” Bensley said, according to (police officer Daniel) Erickson.

500 years is a long time. Certainly long enough to build up a strong moral code, tear it down, and then build it up again. Guy was hungry. It’s okay Lyle, I forgive you.