Japanese Competitive Gamer Endorses A Laxative? Right On.

Kayo Satoh is awesome. She was born a boy, is now a female, and whups all sorts of ass in competitive gaming. She also kicks her rock up a level by being the first competitive gamer to…endorse a laxative. Outstanding.


Kayo Satoh is not only a very talent fighting game player, she’s also a model. Kayo, who fights under the moniker “KayoPolice”, recently appeared at the Evo 2011 fighting championship.

Lots of models say they like video games, and some are pretty good. But Kayo isn’t just a good player, she’s great, taking down the likes of Daigo Umehara.

In the gaming world, Daigo Umehara might be famous. But to the general Japanese public, he’s largely unknown.

Kayo Satoh, however, is famous–mainstream famous, appearing on some of the biggest primetime variety shows and releasing a photobook.

And while most people in Japan are aware that she was born as a male, they might not know she’s a competitive gamer.

Satoh even endorses this diet supplement to help with bowel movements. It’s aimed at young Japanese women who want to eat a lot and then, ahem, a lot.

Who doesn’t want to pound a serious amount of food while gaming? I know that I, for one, could use some help blowing it all out whenst I’m done. I need to keep this trim figure to bring all the boys to the yard.