Diablo Cody Rewriting ‘Evil Dead’ Remake. Well There Goes That.

I don’t like Diablo Cody. I don’t like remakes. So while I wasn’t excited for a remake of Evil Dead, now that it’s been announced that she’s rewriting it any sort of expectations I had for it just went up in flames. Flames powered by trite, forced dialogue and indie songs.


Yesterday when I wrote about the fact that Federico ‘Fede’ Alvarez is directing the remake of The Evil Dead, our tweet of the article was quickly retweeted by Diablo Cody, with a little note: “Go Fede!” I thought that was slightly unusual, but was in the middle of a bunch of other stuff and didn’t think about it for more than a few seconds. Scoop possibility lost! Because Diablo Cody isn’t just interested in the project as a fan. She’s rewriting it! A press release just went out announcing that the film is really, truly happening, and it includes that new detail. Find that after the break.

Here’s what Ghost House sent out. The important details, beyond what we already knew, are that Fede and Rodo Sayagues wrote the first draft of the script, and Diablo Cody is rewriting. She’s long been a fan of horror (Jennifer’s Body obviously displays that influence, and she has hosted quite a few horror screenings in LA in years past) so I’ll be very interested to see what she brings to the film.

Fraking frak.