Mom Accused Of Killing Son After He Breaks TV While Playing ‘Wii.’

This is like one of those goofy ads where the guy throws the Wii remote and breaks the TV. Except it’s real and horrifying and my buzzkill of the day.


Kim Crawford stands accused of murdering Jamar Johnson after telling police she struck him on the chest and back “harder than I’ve ever hit him” when told he had broken the family TV set while playing a Wii game.

The incident took place on June 13, yet it took five days of agonizing pain – during which Crawford refused to take her son to the hospital out of fear for what she had done – before the boy succumbed to massive internal injuries and passed away.

That’s about the most depressing thing I can imagine reading today. I’m not even certain why I’m reporting it. It seems too dire to not pass on, too dire to not post as a cautionary and saddening tale.