Views From The Space-Ship: Pretzel Nuggets and Liev Schreiber

[Views From The Space-Ship, aka Desktop Tuesdays, aka Desktop Thursdays  is a (theoretically) weekly column where show you my worlds. Both real and virtual. Then, I invite you to share your own worlds in the comments!]


Pepsibones and I spend a good amount of time throwing random shit up onto our refrigerator. A couple of months ago, we returned and the fridge was stripped clean. We weren’t happy. Gone was Pepsibones’ random Newport ad, a Victoria’s Secret model, and other goodies. Since then we’ve spent our time repopulating it. If you peer closely you can see a glorious I Heart Huckabees screen cap, and of course, Liev Schreiber. I’m not sure why ‘Bones put up the Liev, but you musn’t question the lad. Or why he has an Owl City tour dates calendar.

A couple of days ago, I came to the fridge and found that someone had placed pretzel nuggets on the fridge. Mysterious things happen all the time in the house. Usually it’s Pepsibones taking something and hiding it – your keys, your cellphone, et cetera, but today it was pretzel nuggets hanging.