Discovery Channel’s Headquarters Gets Shark Attacked Like Woah!

Source: Super Punch / Click To Enlarge

Behold! Discovery Channel’s headquarters, commemorating Shark Week.

Like many people, my girlfriend is retarded for shark week. Me? I sort of dig it. But unlike her, I can’t really watch hours of people getting eaten by the world’s dopest predator. She’ll sit there, completely enthralled. Being squeamish, I can only handle the phrase “She had lost almost all her blood!”, or “His leg was dangling like a fucked up piece of chicken from strained and broken sinew” so many times before I’m ready to throw up the deuces and peace out.

“Isn’t it cool!” my girlfriend will exclaim, as we watch people mauled, mangled, and left for dead. And I make a mental note to not cross her, for this is her definition of entertainment.