Return Of The Jedi Sequel Coming. As Animated Show.


Oh sweet Jesus. Just today I was thinking about how fucking aggravated I was about the prequels.

And today, I find out that a sequel to Return of the Jedi was coming:

via slashfilm:

After a fan commented that he “would really love to see new adventures after Jedi with our favorite characters Luke, Han and Leia,” Sansweet replied, “And you will, in the new animation. (via: AICN) reports that the animated television series would revisit the original cast of characters from Star Wars in post Return of the Jedi adventures, and that “not everyone who dies in sci-fi stays dead.” Apparently we’ll find out what he means in three to four years, but I’m guessing it means that some of the Sith survived. Sounds like a bad idea, but consider the fact that fans are saying that the current animated series, the Clone Wars, is better than all of the prequels combined.

We assume that this series is the same show that was announced a couple weeks back – an animated television situational comedy series written by The Daily Show/Frank TV scribe Brendan Hay and developed by Robot Chicken creators/producers Seth Green and Matthew Seinreich. If so, I seriously doubt any of the new storylines will be considered “in canon.” If we learn anything new, we’ll update the story.

Sometimes I hate existence.