Monday Morning Commute: Libertarian Moonities, And Super Fapping

Say Word

Do you know what I did on Friday evening? I spent seven hours reading Millenium Hall. What, you say that you don’t have a thing for eighteenth-century British women’s literature? I say to you, neither do I! Jesus Christ with a Guitar, get me the fuck out of here. Getting into my graduate program late, I didn’t have the luxury of picking classes. Rather, it was “Here is what’s available to you, and they’re still open for good reason – you’re going to want to kill yourself.” As someone who spent his entire undergraduate career focusing on ethnic, African-American, and philosophical readings, this shit is from outerspace for me.

When I haven’t been doing that, I’ve been playing Mass Effect 2 and consuming too much caffeine.

Monday Morning Commute. Every Monday I’m going to detail the various things I’m either currently or will be watching, reading, playing, and listening to in the next seven days. It’s Monday. You’ve got a long week of school, work, or compulsive masturbation to get through. Tell me the arts that you’re indulging in, to stave off suicide.

The Moon, A Mistress And Stuff

Reading / The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress, Robert Heinlein

I picked up this book over the weekend on hearsay alone. A professor recommended it to me, and it was nagging at the back of my mind for a while. It seems to combine two concepts that I am very fond of these days, libertarianism and Sci-Fi. As a jaded former optimist, and a space-loving geek, it seems to be a perfect storm. I’m not particularly certain when I’ll get to it, because I am seemingly entrenched in reading Socialist Bible-Thumping Feminist readings from three-hundred years ago, but we’ll see.

Jack Bauer is German?!

Watching / 24

Watching 24 these days is awesome for perspective alone. It comes before the day LOST on the TV schedule, and it reminds me that LOST is fucking amazing. It’s sort of like when you’re walking through a train station and you see a homeless dude all barfing up into his scraggly homeless dude beard. All of sudden you realize just how good you get it, and you have a gratitude that you didn’t previously have.

24 is awesome if you can watch it with someone else, who has a proclivity for laughing at amazingly shitty stuff. You can revel in the awfulness of well…everything in it, and simultaneously thank the lords of Kobol that shit like LOST exists in this world.

As an aside, I’m itching for something else to augment my viewing schedule right now. Everything is on winter hiatus, and I’m having to settle for watching American Idol.


Playing / Mass Effect 2, Assassin’s Creed II, Borderlands, Ratchet and Clank and fucking shit Bioshock 2 comes out tomorrow.

I’ve been playing Mass Effect 2 at a leisurely pace, and appreciating it all the more because of it. I blew through the first Mass Effect, and consequently my retention of it was somewhere between zilch and zero. Generally, I feel this pressing need to power through just to get it done, but I just wasn’t feeling that this time through. The game’s long. Way long. I’m twenty-eight hours in or so, and that is greater than my two playthroughs of the original Mass Effect combined, with a save file that even capped the characters.

In light of that though, I’m way backed up. Bioshock 2 is coming out tomorrow, and there is much sad time in my life because I won’t be able to grab it. Between Mass Effect 2, and my looming backlog, it just doesn’t make sense for me to Day-One it. Fraking fuck.

What are you guys up to in this wonderful week?