The Cookie Monster Shreds On THe Xylophone, And the Xylopholks Amaze


My friend Buddy, while not trying to avoid telepathic death, occasionally sends me rad shit to view. This is one of those cases. The forthcoming video is of the Cookie Monster and a Pink Gorilla rocking the fuck out in a subway station. Turns out they’re part of a musical group called the Xylopholks. Who apparently are bizarre, and fucking awesome.

From the Xylopholks Myspace:

The XYLOPHOLKS are a dynamic group of musicians who mostly play novelty ragtime music from the 1920’s (featuring the xylophone!). They do so while wearing furry animal costumes. The XYLOPHOLKS wish to make people happy and perhaps even dance

Trippy, odd, awesomeness. Check out their MySpace. Also, check out a video of them shredding it up in some sort of beautiful true hallucination after the jump.