Weekend Open Bar: The Technicolor Media Vomitorium of The Future-Present

the techicolor media vomit-tron

It’s the Weekend Open Bar! Brought to you on Saturday! Sponsored by extra caloric consumption, really nice weather here on the Northeastern arm of the Empire, and sleeping today until 11:30! How are you doing? Let’s be brief. This is the Weekly Column where we all spend the next couple of Free Days (theoretically you’re free, but realistically you may be like one of many people working) hanging out. Sharing what we’re up to.


The movies!

We’re Watching!

Oh lord!

The games!

We’re Playing!

Oh lord!

The Comics!

We’re Reading!

Oh lord!

The increasingly niche fetish porn!

We’re rubbing engorged genital-bits to!

Oh lord!

Share it all! We will share it all! Shame the NSA, shame your family, shame the Elder Ones! Together! With me!

What are you up to this weekend?