Weekend Open Bar: Clotheslines to the Closed Minds!


Salutations, comrades. And welcome to another installment of Weekend Open Bar. Round these here parts, during this here column, we typically gather and shoot the breeze during the aforementioned Weekend. Slough off our LunarLandingCompany overalls, scrub the MoonCoal out from underneath our fingernails, and existentially convalesce. With each other.  Oh, what does that convalescence look like?

You know! Sharing what we’re going to be enjoying the next couple of days. What we’re watching, where we are hiking, who we are hanging out with. Anything! Share the minutiae, the banality, the the quiet hum of Passing Existence with one another. Anything and everything is allowed so long as it follows our one simple rule: God damn it, you’ve got to be kind.