
‘Terminator Genisys’ Trailer: Now With 100% Serious Spoilers

The PHILIPPINES BANS cybersex? I don’t…I can’t…This doesn’t…

I don’t think I would have turned out to be the sterling example of mental stability if I hadn’t gotten to cybersex for hours as an adolescent. AOL chat rooms, IRC, I don’t give a fuck. Male, female, role playing a furry. Don’t matter. Give me. Now that fine country the Philippines wants to bane such an essential part of growing up.

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‘STAR WARS 1313’ TRAILER: Making the Trilogy cool again.

Slather my taint in bees and feed me to Winnie the Pooh, this trailer is totally redonk. IGN has done us all the service of culling the excess and providing us Star Wars folk with all the trailer goodness from E3. Fuck to the yes.

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