#The Dude

24 HOUR EXTRA LIFE LIVE EVENT October 1-2 8am-8am [OVER]


Hello friends!  As I mentioned in my post last week , the 24 hour gaming marathon is upon us.  I will be updating this particular post as we descend deeper down the rabbit hole of temporary insomnia, and sugary snacks to keep our constitutions strong.

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Extra Life Event Public Service Announcement


… Salami?  Time!  Its time.  Hello fellow travelers on the Starship Omega.  This is your temporary captain, The Dude, speaking.  If you look out the left cabin window you’ll see Glorbax 3, a lovely world where pizza grows on trees like the mighty orange and team building exercises carry a triple death sentence.  On the right side you’ll see the vast nothingness of space that forces you to realize your insignificance in the face of cosmic events, and wish desperately for a quiet and swift end to your meaningless consciousness.

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Opinions Vary: Building Character

Building Character

Character actors are the backbone of Hollywood. They do most of the heavy lifting; get little of the pay and almost none of the notoriety. That last one might be a blessing though. Anyway they are the unsung heroes of movies and television. So here’s my shout out to my favorite character actor.

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Opinions Vary: One Man’s Cabin is Another Man’s High School

Cabin School

I recently rewatched one of my favorite movies.  Then I realized that this particular movie was so similar to another movie, that one could basically be a remake of the other.  Lets investigate shall we?  We have a group of five young people, all selected for a purpose, and guided by some authority or agency that they cannot fight against to participate in a ritual that, given a conscious choice, they would not take part in.  It is only through subtle manipulation of their every action that they inevitable cause the destruction of the world.  The movie I am describing is of course the classic 80’s hit, The Breakfast club.  The remake?  Cabin in the Woods.  Hit the jump and follow me down the rabbit hole.

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Opinions Vary: Green With Envy


Just started new job today.  No time to write complete or coherent thought.

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Best of 2013 – The Dude’s Picks

The Dude's 2013.

As 2013 comes to a close, I look back on a rather lackluster year for myself.  I feel like I’m standing still, stuck in the mud, and need a kick in the ass to move forward.  While I didn’t hate the year, it will soon be forgotten and added to the long list of unremarkable events that make up my back story when I become a hero lion tamer that moonlights as a vigilante.  Here’s a list of things I might remember from 2013.

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Opinions Vary: Road to the Point


Hi kids.  Pull up a chair and grab a juice box, its story time.  I’ll be honest; I don’t really have much of an opinion for this week’s Opinions Vary article.  What I do have is my synopsis for a movie I wrote called Road to the Point.  Road to the Point is an ambitious tale that attempts to chronicle the obvious, but frustratingly untold, story that takes place between the movies Roadhouse and Point Break.   So hit the jump and get a towel ready, I’m about to blow your mind.

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Opinions Vary: Absolutely Sinsational


Hi boys and girls.  We’re a week out from Halloween, so I figured I’d do a theme OV this go around.  Today we’ll be talking about sin.  Shut up, it is too Halloween themed!  I’m sure everyone at this point is familiar with the concept of the seven deadly sins.  You know, Wrath, Greed, Lust, Envy, Sloth, Gluttony, and Vanity.  This week’s OV is very simple.  Choose your sin.

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Opinions Vary: Fantasy Football

fantasy football ov

Football is back.  I am excited.  If you are reading this outside the US or are one of those soccer loving people, I am talking about the smashmouth game played on the gridiron, and not the game where you run for three hours and then call it a draw.  I understand the futility of making a post about sports on a comic/video game/movie blog is counterproductive, so I promise I will make it entertaining.

A few years back, some friends and I circulated out via e-mail ultimate fantasy baseball teams using characters from movies, comics, tv shows, and books.  Well, I’m going to do that for my Opinions Vary column this week.  Why you ask?  Two reasons.  Number 1, i’ts fun, and number 2 I am doing this at the 11th hour and honestly have no better ideas.  So feel free to make your own team complete with reasons and explanations.  Also, don’t be shy about ripping into me or each other about selections.  I will be following a few rules when constructing my team.  Those is no teleportation/ phasing, flight is also off limits, brainwashing and reading minds is out, and no magic, telekinesis, or props (Mjollnir, Iron Man suit, web shooters, etc).  So hit the jump and let’s get started. Keep Reading »

Opinions Vary: Spoiler Alert

OV spoiler alert

Hello out there in the interwebs. It’s time for another ride on Opinions Vary. This week’s topic … spoilers. So if you don’t mind spoilers, or even if you do, step on up, hit the jump and let’s burn this mother down.

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