‘BORDERLANDS 2’ golden key dares you to use it. Early. Often.

I’m not really sure if I’m getting a golden key with my copy of Borderlands 2. I ordered the most expensive copy I could find on Amazon, so if it I’m not getting it, I got fucked. The conceit behind the key is pretty awesome, and one that I quietly am hoping I can exploit to my own wonderment.


If you’re a vault hunter who signed up for Premiere Club – accomplished by pre-ordering Borderlands 2 through a select retailer – you’ll find yourself burdened by one golden key come launch day. This golden key unlocks a special treasure chest in the city of Sanctuary.

The chest (pictured above) will drop some very rare (see: purple) loot once open – loot that is scaled to your character, Gearbox says. So the potency of the loot within is dependent on the level of your character when you open it – and while we know how hard it is to not open a chest full of loot in a game where that is one of the primary goals, you may want to hold off as long as you can on this golden chest.